Sunday, April 25, 2010

Feedback from tutors

Valuable feedback has just been offered by tutors that reorientates my intentions towards the making aspect of art - that de-emphasizes the thinking apsect of art. Here I explore the references offerd and wil later present results of my own investigations in an attempt to cryistalize the 'proposition.' Clarity is also offered in regard to direction taken in that I must for the purposes of the degree process curb a tendancy to explore tangents unrelated to my main proposition. I intend to park these divergant interests under the title of 'to be explored at a future date.' The following posts will explore the sources as suggested by the tutors.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Artist ref: Franz Marc : on abstract art

"..the entirely spiritualized and dematerialized inwardness of sensation."
A History of 20th Century. Bernard Blistene. ArtBeaux Arts.

Comment: I can relate strongly to this, as the inner field of sensation expands day to day.

Artist ref: Antoni Gaudi

"Mediated by man, creation continues unabated. But man does not create: he discovers." A History of 20th Century. Bernard Blistene. ArtBeaux Arts.

Comment: This fits with my concept that man is some kind of feedback system for 'Being" to express and understand itself. So in fact we are a kind of printing process, expressing things that already exist in a field of all possibilities.

Artist ref: Piet Mondrian

...when adopting the cubist ideom and "his majestic struggle to break with the natural appearances." A History of 20th Century. Bernard Blistene. ArtBeaux Arts.Comment: Relating this to my own work, attempting to become aware of 'space making' that underlies the created world. I am left wondering if this initiative was an attempt to reach beyond matter to the meeting point between mind and matter, the elements and energy behind 'things.'
I also noted the reduction to primary colours that are a feature of my work: black, gold and silver.

My practice: I can relate to the sentiments here easily, but remain commited to using 21st century products to reflect the times we live in.

Poet ref: Apollinaire

"They (cubists) share with the artists of academe the same mania for painting states of mind"A History of 20th Century. Bernard Blistene. ArtBeaux Arts.

Comment: I related instantly to this notion, that there is a vast array on mind states to be explored and communicated to others. In my terms mind does not refer only to the local mind of an individual but also the universal mind in which we all exist.