Friday, June 4, 2010

Practice June 1: Laser cutting

Getting diamonds cut has been a long and arduous process that involved calculating at which point one should quit a process in order to meet a deadline (assessment) or continue you in order to reach the goal at any cost. Making these boards on a bed saw would result in inaccuracies which may or may not have been fixable. However, there is no disputing the absolute accuracy of the laser cutting method - exact clones of each other. It is a reminder that one must be realistic and rely on a miracle!! In this case a last minute gift form a friend saved the day, and unblocked this project. Even then they were cut wrongly, requiring a further slice to be taken off. The amount of time taken to fix the problem was equivalent to the time it would have taken to do a best guess job in the first place. Proving that time could be found after all.
There is on doubt if funds allow this is the best method. All achieved in one pass in a few minutes. A further advantage is that the file is kept by the supplier for future use - and a superior result.

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