Monday, May 17, 2010

Artist ref: John Hurrel

Piece: Dice Piece 1.
Method: Acrylic on canvas.
I can see why people might deride grids and lattice as obvious, but treated right, like this work, I still find delight in seeing it change direction in my mind. This would not happen as easily were it not for the 'randomly' marks that seem to act as shadows forcing the mind to resolve the image. It still dances for me. I am always fascinated by the optical effect that produces a dense spot in the centre of the intersections despite the fact that logically there should be an intensification of the lighter colour. Opposed as I am at this point to the texture of canvas, I find that my resolve is melting. The texture here seems only to add to the liveliness of the image, as though composed of sub-atomic particles that create the whole.

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