Monday, May 3, 2010

Perpetual Origami : project : applying

Methods: Earlier experiments with different surfaces confirmed that the a roller would produce the correct type of texture as required by my concept. The paint is spirit based blackboard paint. Next time I will use acrylic based paint for the quicker drying and easy clean properties. Discovery: When taking the picture right, I noticed that I cannot seem to take a random picture to save myself, I am always compelled to compose it for maximum effect- often producing pleasing results that can inform future projects. Another discovery (by doing!) was the accidental marks left beneath the adhesive which could be explored further as a potential source of subtle imagery. However, for this current project, an even texture is required- the image being whatever is reflected in on the surface itself. I wonder how many people will pick up that intention? The final effect created before the application of the top layer is attractive in itself. At this point I am aware that something magical nearly always happens to the perception of preparatory work such as tracings and sketches once they are pictured and cropped - appearing as finished works.

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