Monday, May 3, 2010

Artist ref: Keith Tyson

Keith Tyson (English, metaphysical, 'mad' scientist treatise, ). When entering his website I am immediately startled to find that the opening animation sequence bears a strong resemblance in intention and appearance to one of my own works, Non (right).

Of his nature series of paintings, in reference to the chemical process aspect of his work he declares, "...the significant aspect of the series is not that they are paintings of nature, but are painted by nature." I concur with this sentiment and will explore this 'man inside nature' notion in a later exploration (working title Leaf City) that restores man to a position inside nature as opposed to 'out' of it as established during the Enlightenment. I am further struck by the similarity between our notions of presenting an idea within a isometric cube. In Large Field Array, a device which locates a body of Tyson's work in relation to each other and time, use is made of the isometric cube as a format in which to express ideas. I have for some time signalled my intention to make use of the isometric cube to explore ideas of deep level subject matter taking place inside space represented by the cube. The use of standard format allows me to commit to a series of explorations without constantly reinventing a format.

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