Monday, May 17, 2010

Artist ref: Sol Lewitt

Piece: Wall Drawing 1171
Method: Created by a team of artists under meticulous instructions.
Observation: Love this image, its as though the viewer has to touch it to be convinced it is not actually 3D. From this I can see the power of scale. When an image takes up ones peripheral vision, a different experience is encountered. That the visitor feels he can touch it, would satisfy Lewitt who seems committed to eliminating the distance between art and life by drawing directly onto walls. I am committed at this time to this optical illusions, as though to convey the basic illusion of space.
Piece: Serial object 1.
Materials: wood, paint, various.
Learning: I feel overwhelmed by this image, andstruck by its similarity to the work of Keith Tyson. Whatever motivated Lewitt to be so explicit has not touched me yet. I have along way to go just dealing with trying to express in 2 dimensions.
Piece: as stated.
Materials: Graphic study.
Learning: I find myself surpsrisingly impress with htis study. It acts almost like an animation in my mind in which some unseen mind is trying out the possibilities for simple structure. The mind of God if you will planning the carbon atom. Very cool.
Piece: Cube Structures Based on Five Modules • 1971-4 • painted wood
Method: Painted wood.
Learning: I feel there must be something very satisfying from having constructed something so simple that can deliver a powerful inner message. This for me is like experiencing the imformation level of structure minus a form. A proto-skeleton.

Piece: Open line structure.
Method: Painted wood.
Learning: Of course I relate easily to the intention of the work, but feel I want to suspend it in the air to be more aware of the isometric forms contained there! I cant imagine exploring 3D in the short term, as it feels like 'cheating' the trick, the delight being attempting to make 4 or more dimensional statements in 2. however, i could envisage a time when one might go in a sculptural direction in order to satisfy an Itch to experience the work in a new, sensory way.

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