Monday, May 3, 2010

Large Field Array exhibition : Keith Tyson

This exhibition entails a large number of smaller works representing a range of mediums. A dominant feature of the work is the reliance upon the cube as a format for expressing a wide range of ideas related to deep level order in nature, overwhelming diversity arranged in a grid system. Array refers to to notion of many smaller componants providing a bigger picture - reference is made to pixels, and telscopes arranged in an array. A notable feature of the opening page is the the use of the isometric cubes arranged on a grid that mimics the exhibition proper as a means of placing the objects in relationship to each other as well as in time., I am immediately struck by the use of isometric cubes as a format for both relating and expressing ideas. I have for some time signalled my own intention to make use of the isometric cube to explore ideas of deep level subject matter taking place within space, respresented by the cube - itself composed of fundamental elaboration of triangles. The use of a standard format over the coming months will allow me to commit to a series of conceptual and making porcesses without constantly reinventing a format. Even the lamp shade in my studio betrays my fascination with the cube.

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