Friday, May 7, 2010

Perpertual Origami : Finished

I am pleased that this piece conveys well my original vision of continuously folding planes of geometry as well as overjoyed at the final effect. The various facets and unfinished creases provided and endless play of light and animation for the viewer that was unexpected. This aspect alone is worth further investigation in the future.
I will be pleased to see how this piece responds in different lighting conditions. I am immediately struck by its resemblance in essence to Picasso's Gurnica, and the work of Escher as well as Gaudi. An excellent suggestion by Karl (tutor) to do 2 more works at a much larger scale were thwarted by the limitations of the available PVC sheets. Should I locate a larger sheet size, I would continue this thread to exploit the warping properties of the PVC. There are endless possibilities to record due to the warping and reflective nature of the surfaced. I am very tempted to take to piece into different sites to record what happens in the reflection.

For more details of this work go to:

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