Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Development - Making

Cutting plan: I am intending to use scrap 12mm custom wood from building sites sold in TradeMe for reason of economy and waste reduction. Nevertheless, I am working out a cutting plan based on a full sheet in order to maintain consistency of size. Allowance is made for edge trimming as well as thickness of blade.

Size: This size (right) seems about right for effect, and weight reasons.

Cutting method: Using the large bed saw, accurate results can be acheved relitively easily using locked down guides.

Test sample: Accuracy is all important to this work - good results can be acheved by this method.

Final effect: This samples hints atthe final effects that can be achieved in terms of producing an optical illusion. It was interesting to note how much interest was being paid at the time by passersby - intrigued by this simple optical effect. Even here though, it is evident that cutting exactly corrent diamonds is a difficult task.

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