Monday, May 3, 2010

Perpetual Origami : project : plotting

This is the piece in progress at the time of feedback received. With renewed energy, I flew into it production of and soon became engaged with the problem solving required to bring this project to completion. Modeling of the triangles became important in order to portray isosceles triangles accurately and to compose effectively. I did toy for a while with the idea of a more random set of triangles, but soon rejected it in favour of a reductionist attitude in keeping with the fundamental nature of the content. different compositional problems were solved by subsequent tracings, simplifications, allowances for dark and light shapes catered for. This was all a powerful reminder of the exhortation of the tutors to learn by doing and not thinking. It has to be accepted that graphics with its concern for spending other people's money can act as a inhibitor and that it will take time to rehabilitate my 'responsible' instincts. A final clean copy was completed before committing to cutting and laying of the songwriter vinyl adhesive.

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