Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Problem: Producing 60 identical diamonds is proving difficult especially when creating one perfect to act as a template for the cutting machine eludes us.
Solutions: Laser cutting involves a change to expensive materials and delays. Mindful that I will be marked on learning and results not on thinking I need a quick good-enough solution.
Resolution: I have taken the decision that near enough is good enough and that I will adjust the pieces as I go. I don't need them to all fit each other, just create sets of three - using the rotary sander to correct.
Ultimate solution: I propose to cut laser cut one perfect template from which to set the machine. Underway at time of writing.
Meantime: While waiting for what I will make 3 works using white foamboard to determine what is to be learned about making corrections. Also I can prepare how to lay out the room in prep for a large number of items being painted and dried with undercoat. A key will ensure correct assembly.
Learning: Fit - is more important than accuracy on this project. As long as centre fit, I can trim the outside with no discernible difference. This has implications of how they will fit together when tesselated, but that's another story another day. I can think of a million reasons to delay and wait for perfection, or just compromise as I go.

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