Monday, May 31, 2010

Practice : May 27

Observations: Here we begin to appreciate the overall 3 D effect. Very pleasing. It is interesting to note how much more enhanced the effect is when viewed from this side angle. I imagine this is due to the extra perspective provides the brain with additional information with which to reach a conclusion i.e., the smaller of the two vertical members must be a distant wall.

Themes: I am pleased that the general intentions of the piece accurately portray the many themes and sub themes that are expressed here. With space, and a carbon atom you can build an entire omniverse full of ever-changing and developing organisms, one of which is capable of contemplating its own existence and expressing it with equal infinite variety.

Mounting: Given that tessellating per se in a continuous background has in effect been well covered, I am intend to explore options of mounting which include leaving spaces so as the create the effect of a large molecule, another reminder of infinite variety of level building.
Overlapping and mounting within another so as to create a 'box in a corner effect' will also be explored.

I can see that mounting at a pronounced angle will add an extra animation and heft element and as though it is midst tumble. This arrangement also creates great flexibility, and provides for replenishment as pieces are sold. This in fact only adds to the effect of its ever-changing continuous creation status, as well as different arrangements.

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